ECI Affiliate in Jordan, JOHUD (Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development), conducted in 2015 an environmental awareness campaign for students from different schools at this organization’s Environmental Educational Center.
Between November and December 2015, 480 students participated in different activities where the Earth Charter was introduced and where they learned about sustainability. A number of teachers also participated in the activities organized during these two months, where they were invited to integrate the notions of sustainability and the Earth Charter in the school curricula.
This experience gave JOHUD important lessons learned for future education processes with the Earth Charter. Some of the recommendations for future processes are: promoting the creation of students’ groups to follow up the activities, also to prepare guidelines for teachers to design and implement educational activities related to the Earth Charter, and to think about methodologies to help people put the Earth Charter principles into action in their daily life.
In addition, JOHUD organized a tree planting campaign in Ajloun, an area where five hectares of forests where destroyed in a fire more than a year ago. On March 9th, JOHUD invited activists and young from all over the kingdom to participate in what became a celebration of replanting trees in Aljoun. Over 500 volunteers and officials gathered in that location leaded by HRH Princess Basma.
Another purpose of this tree planting activity was to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Earth Charter. In this sense, participants received materials of the Earth Charter, that helped them learn the efforts that JOHUD has done with the Earth Charter in the quest to promote sustainability.