
Earth Charter Center holds third education course

The third edition of the Education and Values for Sustainable Development: Teaching What Really Matters with the Earth Charter was held at the Earth Charter Center in Costa Rica in June 2014. The participants included educators and sustainability professionals from Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, and the United States. For the third time, course facilitators Sam Crowell and Mirian Vilela seamlessly worked together to create a unique, rich, and profound learning experience.

This version of the course featured a half-day field trip to the nearby indigenous Quitirrisi community, where course participants learned first-hand from a community member about the history of the community, some of its traditions, and its connection to the land and its life. The indigenous perspective was discussed and added a powerful dimension to this course about what really matters.

Crowell and Vilela also continued to refine their already excellent course, continuing to teach about education for sustainable development and exploring more thoroughly the possibilities for and elements of an Earth Charter pedagogy.

Read a personal testimonial from one of the participants here.