The Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development is offering the following Education programmes, open to all interested.
The Programmes are developed under the UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development, that the Earth Charter Center coordinates with the University for Peace.
Find the information of next programmes in the links below.
29 May to 27 November 2018: Online Certificate Programmes on Education for Sustainable Development in Spanish and Portuguese. Six-month diploma programmes fully online. Certificate offered with the University for Peace.
02 -06 July 2018: Education, Ethics, & Values for Sustainability. Transformative Teaching and Learning with the Earth Charter. This is a 1-week intensive executive programme, co-facilitated by Sam Crowell and Mirian Vilela. Location: Earth Charter Education Center in Costa Rica.
09 April– 18 June 2018: Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics Training. A 10-week online training for emerging youth leaders. Spanish.
This online course will be offered again in English and Spanish in the following dates:
English: 02 July- 10 September
Spanish: 24 September- 03 December