30 young activist from 20 different countries participated in e-GLO 2, ‘Earth Charter Guiding Leaders Towards Sustainability Action’, during Sep 2009 – Jan 2010.
Read participants’ exciting testimonials. Be aware though – they might inspire you to join the next e-GLO!
“My experience with e-GLO was my first great connection experience to the world.”
“e-GLO 2 has been the best online participation I have attended. A real international arena where one had the opportunity to learn from the fellow activists and at the same time, from the guest speakers and facilitators.”
“In e-GLO2, I didn’t just learn through the tutors/lecturers who gave us some great information, how to plan the projects, but I learnt also from the several achievements, ideas, initiatives, and motives that my fellow participants shared with us. They enhanced my knowledge and pushed me forward.”
“The sessions really opened up the box and allowed us to think on how to apply the Earth Charter to our local communities and create a better world.”
“e-GLO 2 has been a learning experience of multiple benefits. I didn’t know what to expect when I was selected but now I benefited more than I could have ever dreamed of.”
“The lessons were superb and the presentations were excellent.”
“I can honestly say that for me e-GLO 2 has been the best learning and sharing experience ever. I have learnt so much about different cultures and during my participation I have noticed, that regardless of the distance and some communication difficulties, nothing is impossible. We can always become better and learn every day something new from each other. We should respect life and each other to be able to live in peace and harmony on this Planet that is our common home.”
“By the end of the e-GLO 2 I was able to develop my own project. I was able to use the information I got during the lectures. My friends’ comments and experiences helped me too in making my project more feasible and successful.”
Inspiration to take action!
“e-GLO 2 helped me to resuscitate my innate and dormant sustainable leadership skills. Through the program I became self-aware, had sense of purpose, clarity of vision and found it much easier to work with others in achieving goals that are beneficial to all. I was inspired to create a fully functional youth initiative that is geared towards finding lasting solutions to the problems of my community with sustainability.”
“e-GLO 2 was a perfect platform for me to be inspired to do more. I was able to observe the similarities in the daily struggles and challenges of youth leaders around the world and how we could do more if we come together.”
“The collective energy of the group was outstanding, it really enabled me to keep motivated when my energies were low. I enjoyed the interactivity of it all, being able to try out different exercises that fueled the imagination. There were real solutions that were being posed to our different obstacles and I felt a sense of community that I hadn’t felt in a while…”
“Since me and my fellow e-GLO 2 participants adopted the principles of the Earth Charter, the work we are doing in our communities has improved enormously. Seeing the results, we are very satisfied and happy with our projects.”
“Finally, I want to say the e-GLO 2 was one of the best experiences in my life. I met the best leaders in the world.”
“I felt that I had a whole new perspective to my projects, that enriched it greatly. Working with arts projects, you have to often sift through to get to real value and being able to have input from e-GLO and Earth charter, then I was able to really take it to a whole new level by enriching the content with Earth Charter’s aims.”
Network of change makers
“e-GLO is now a part of my life and the other participants now my colleagues and friends. I hope to be able to make use of this network to make lasting change in my community and sphere of influence in the years to come.”
“I believe e-GLO will be in the nearest future the main hub of sustainable young leaders that will bring about invariable development to their immediate communities and the world in general.”
“I have learnt a lot about sustainable development, ways of making differences in my own community, I developed the notion of being the change I want to see.”
“I will miss your [participants’] enthusiasm, your belief in having a sustainable world and I hope this belief could sustain in our hearts as long as we live.”
“I’m proud that I was one of the participant of this course and I hope we could work all of us one day together in on an international project or an event.”
“After 5 months, planning, observing and sharing, we are ready to keep the beat and we are sure not to be alone.”
“I would hope there are more initiatives like this and I am looking forward to an ongoing dialogue with all these participants.”
“I strongly believe the knowledge, skills and experience we acquired during this program, will continue to deepen our sharing and learning towards making a positive impact in our respective communities.”
“Thank you for your time and for your wisdom. I hope to hear from all of you in the near future!”
“This finale session is not the end, but this is the start of stepping together to make a better future for our world.”
e-GLO is a joint collaborative vision between the 3 entities:
Earth Charter International secretariat, BeatBoard and Heart in Action Enterprices’
e-GLO is organized in “e-GLO Global Online Live & Interactive Seminar Room” that is a product of Heart In Action Enterprises’ and Asita Informatica.
Interactive New Media Web Multimedia Events –
“The power to touch the world continues through secured multimedia communication platform for social new media projects”.
Check out the e-GLO Facebook group