On September 14, 2011 eleven students from different departments of the National University in Costa Rica, received special recognition from the National University for hard work for the preservation and protection of nature. This is the second consecutive year that this award is granted at UNA (please see here more about EC Student 2010).
This recognition is based on the values and principles framework of the Earth Charter and how the students apply them and put them into practice in their daily lives. These awards recognize people for their human qualities, how they demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of humanity, their level of responsibility toward the task of caring for the planet and nature, their effort in the promotion of economic and social justice, and for framing their actions in a culture of peace. These young boys and girls not only have good academic qualifications but also demonstrate good attitudes, actions, and abilities, which make them exceptional human beings.
The awardees were:
• Alejandro Chinchilla Masis from the School of Biological Sciences
• Kattia Quintanilla Serrano from the Tourism Business Management Program
• Esteban Segura Ovares from the General Studies Center
• Jimena Cascante Matamoros from the Sustainable Development Management with Gender Equity Program
• Isabel Herrera Rodríguez in Psychology from the Institute for Women Studies (IEM)
• Alina Aguilar Arguedas from Environmental Management
• Sofía Bernal Valle from Veterinary Medicine
• Roy Leandro Solano de la Bachelor of Education with Emphasis on Rural Education, Cycles I and II
• Luis Fernando Murillo Salas from the Investigation and Teaching Center on Arts Extension
• Luis Humberto Gutiérrez Galera from Business Management in Sustainable Tourism from the Brunca campus; and
• Germán Esquivel Bustos from the postgraduate studies on Farms Holistic Management, II Level, Sarapiquí campus
This activity is organized annually by the University Extension Program, the UNA- Sustainable Campus, and UNA-Earth Charter Network within the framework of the celebrations of Costa Rican Independence Day.
Noelia Garita, Coordinator of the UNA- Sustainable Campus, expressed how proud she was of having this university network, “which awards those students who care for the well-being of humanity and caring for the planet, demonstrating that we are not only forming professionals in different fields, but also generating the development of capabilities, promotion of attitudes and actions to create exceptional human beings”.
Please see here press release in Spanish.