
Earth Day and EC+10 in Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

On April 22 the activities for the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Earth Charter launch began with a declaration for the planet, our home. 
The event took place at EcoCELPE and had the participation of educators, social leaders and caretakers of the planet that hosts us.

They took a moment to walk without shoes, feel the soil that keep them safe, rooted and connected to each other through the web of life.   

It was a day to act and breath slowly with the solidarity of the bio-energy, harmonizing energies and stimulating the recycling of daily attitudes.  It was a day for a handcraft workshop with materials based on the 3R’s philosophy. It was a day to put in practice solidarity, a day for the world initiatives to join, it was a day for reflection and mobilizing towards the preservation of the planet.  

Reminding us:  EARTH ~ HOME ~ ETHOS… You are part of it!