Earth 21 Group from Rosario (EC Action Group in Argentina) is integrated by the Extension Office of the Municipality of Rosario with Graciela León as its Director. The city of Rosario endorsed the Earth Charter several years ago and it is carrying out the Infinite Factory project with primary and secondary schools of the area. Their motto is “reduce, recuperate, reinvent” in relation to the solid waste theme. Original objects done with recycled materials, as shown in the pictures, received special prizes. These activities are based on the analysis of the Earth Charter document.
Graciela Satóstegui, ECI Affiliate in this country, sent us this news and also comments that Earth 21 Group Rosario is carrying out another activity: youth training on sustainable gardening. This group recently planted native trees at the Flag’s Monument property in Rosario, respecting the concept of the cities’ biodiversity.
More detailed information in Spanish here.