We are pleased to introduce the Earth Charter Magazine, a publication that celebrates the diversity of voices and contributes to the purpose of our UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development on research and education at the intersection of sustainability, values and education.
Within these pages, you will encounter seven articles from a variety of authors working in different areas and cultural contexts. Some share brief research results; others offer personal reflections on experiences related to their work with the Earth Charter. This issue contains articles highlighting how the Earth Charter principles have been incorporated into curricula at the school and university levels. Some articles emphasize the importance of the whole institution approach (WIA) and transdisciplinarity in education; others link the Earth Charter with key concepts, voices, or areas of knowledge. These examples and lessons learned could be used to spark new approaches to readers’ own education institution or practice.
Articles in Vol. I
- The Possibilities of Rhizomatic Imagination and Ecopedagogy Amid the End of an Era – César “CJ” Baldelomar
- Digging Deeper to Unearth the Roots of Pro-Environmental Behaviour – Janika Liv Marais (Heyerdahl)
- Alexander von Humboldt’s Cosmopolitan Thought and the Earth Charter – Wellington Vilela de Araújo
- Whole Institution Approach for Sustainability and Transdisciplinarity – Alicia Jiménez-Elizondo
- A University Experience in Implementing the Whole Institutional Approach for Sustainability with the Earth Charter: Lessons Learned – Waverli Maia Matarazzo-Neuberger
- Escola Vila and Ecosystemic Pedagogy: Living the Earth Charter Principles – Fatima Limaverde & Thiago Fonseca
- Towards A Culture of Openness: Living with the Earth Charter in Times of Uncertainty – Timothy Ogene
Articles in Vol.II
- Learnings from the Road to a Sustainable University – The Case of Leuphana University – Gerd Michelsen
- Understanding how Creativity Works for a Better World: Unifying Insights From Ecological Art Practice and Values-Based Transformative ESD Learning – Cathy Fitzgerald
- The Earth Charter as a Tool for Strengthening the Capacities of Young People as Agents of Change – Yaneri García, Melchor Muñoz and María Pech
- Preserving the Buzzing and Blooming Bounty and Beauty of our Planet – A Reflection on Pollinator Protection and the Earth Charter – Michael Slaby
Articles in Vol.III
- Embracing the Earth Charter: Journeys of Transformation, Cultivating Interbeing Through Ecological Awakening and Interconnectedness – Silvia Ferrero
- Establishing a Sociocultural Approach to Philosophy for Children in a Marginalised Educational Context – John Bhurekeni
- I Want to Provide People with Opportunities to Learn How to Live More Sustainably. Where Should I Start? – Erika Reinkendorf
- Global Aims and Beautiful Designs: The Earth Charter and William Morris – Jeffrey Petts and Ma Shuang
- Ancestral Food, Sustainability, and Food Sovereignty in Michoacán, Mexico: an Analysis under Principle 7 of the Earth Charter – Mateo Alfredo Castillo Ceja , Katia Beatriz Villafán Vidales and Janeth Ortiz Ruiz
Articles in Vol.IV
- Tsunesaburo Makiguchi’s Geographic Pedagogy and Dialogue for Sustainability – Andrew Gebert
- A Journey of Surrender, Purpose, and Interconnectedness: How My Travels and Faith Led Me to the Earth Charter – Samira Sarkardei
- Paving the Path to a Sustainable Tomorrow: Insights from the Summit of the Future – Deeksha Aggarwal
- Weaving a Sustainable Future: The Convergence of the Earth Charter, the 2030 Agenda, and the Pact for the Future – Mateo Alfredo Castillo Ceja
- Expanding 21st Century Skills in English Language Teaching through ESD and Transformative Learning – Wendy Coulson
- Artistic Tools for Integrating the Earth Charter into Higher Education – Heidy Vega García
Editorial Team: Mirian Vilela and Maria Sosa-Segnini
Design and Layout: Maria Sosa-Segnini
Country: Costa Rica
This magazine is produced by Earth Charter International. The opinions shared in this publication belong solely to the individual authors and contributors. All content should be referenced. The Earth Charter International and Earth Charter Dove Design are the trademarks of Earth Charter Associates, Ltd. (based in USA) and they have also been registered in many countries throughout the world.