
Luisa Marquardt

[email protected] Roma, RM, Italia

[email protected]

Roma, RM, Italia



Carla Celani

Civitavecchia, Rome, Italy

Primary school, and Secondary school teacher; from 2018 to 2020 worked at the Italian Ministry of Education, and in the staff of the Minister of Education. Degree in International Relations; Specialization Diploma in Teaching and Learning Methodologies. Has organised meetings among teachers, collegues and fellow citizens in order to spread the Earth Charter principles.


Luisa Marquardt

[email protected]

Roma, RM, Italia

Netherlands, Spain

María García Alvarez

[email protected]

Zwolle, The Netherlands


Masango Roderick Warakula

I hold a Master of Science Degree in International Relations. I also have several certificates in Climate Change Science, Communication and Action (Cornell University); a Certificate of Accomplishment in a course entitled Mainstreaming Climate Change in Development Planning (Development Reality Institute) and The Earth Charter Certificate of Completion on Education for Sustainable Development. I have just finished a Diploma programme in Sustainable, Inclusive and Climate Change Resilient Cities with Lund University, Sweden.


Saadiyah Hassoon

I am Head of “Together to protect Human & Environment Association”, I gave trainings, seminars, awareness sessions on SDGs.The last activity in Feb.2020 was training 20 teachers as trainers on how to integrate sustainability in education and our plan this year to train 200 teachers in Mosel , I make use of your manual & UNESCO manual to do a manual with many games, exercises that is applicable to our culture and I can share it with you with the photos of training if you wish.

Costa Rica, Heredia


Costa Rica, Heredia


Costa Rica, Alajuela

Silvia Arrieta

Universidad Técnica Nacional

[email protected]

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