United Kingdom

Silvia Ferrero

  • Country: UK
  • Working language: English and Italian

EC Certified Educator for SD, EC School Seal Verifier and UK Focal point. Anthropologist, Managing Director Silvia Latham Consultancy, Coaching and Mentoring on Eco-development.

I have a PhD in Social Anthropology and I am an Earth Charter Certified Educator for SD and School Seal verifier. In 2023, I co-facilitated courses 3 and 4 in the EC Online Certificate on ESD. In 2022, I was guest speaker at the course Product Design Engineering at the Engineering faculty at Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, UK. Since then, I introduce Sustainability and the Earth Charter in the course. As a motivational coach, I work with private and corporate clients, secondary and university students. I am committed to using The Earth Charter principles and values as a foundation for my professional consultancy to enhance eco-development and encourage personal growth also through the endorsement of the values expressed in the Earth Charter. As an anthropologist, I also worked on a three-year EU funded comparative project on schooling and ICT with five European institutions under the Socrates-Minerva Program.