Read also earlier articles:
The performance of traditional music instruments and songs from provinces in Indonesia, by Sanggar Roda, Children of Terminal Pulo Gadung
The series of Climate Smart Leaders Program (CSL) finally came to its final stage. On 24 October 2010, the event of Emil Salim Award for Young Generation was held in Gedung Sapta Pesona, Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The award is given to the winners of CSL program who have gone through CSL Camp, implementation stage, and final selection by the juror one day before the event.
The event started with the performance from Sanggar Roda, children of Terminal Pulo Gadung, who played Indonesian traditional songs in a very lively tone using traditional music instruments. Before the winners were announced, Darwina Widjajanti (Executive Director of Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan or YPB) addressed the importance of youth nowadays to lead, to take real actions, and to encounter the challenges of climate change since they are the ones who will heritage the future planet.
Afterwards, Erna Witolear (co-founder of YPB/ member of Governing Board of YPB / representative of Earth Charter Indonesia) shared her experience as someone who has been a colleague of Emil Salim since 1976. For her, Emil Salim is a figure who can always learn anywhere: take note, listens, writing his own papers and speeches by collecting data. He is also ready to start something although it is not in a perfect stage yet, because he believes that improvements can always be done in the course of an idea. That is how ideas turn into actions. Erna Witoelar also found that despite of his busy schedules, Emil Salim always manage to spend quality times for his family, as a balance activities in life. The following presentation showed the positive values from Emil Salim and ended by an appeal to young generation in continuing the struggle for better life, as it is not over yet.
The keynote speech from Prof. Emil Salim was delivered afterwards. As the co-founder and The Head of Governing Board of YPB, he has given his support to CSL program since the very beginning. He spent time to visit the finalists during CSL camp last July. In his speech, he addressed his concern that his figure would become the bigger issue than his ideas issue. Therefore he stated that the most important point is to continue his spirit and develop his ideas. “People can change, but ideas live on,” he stated. With his age turns to 80, he expected that the young generation will carry on the mission to protect the country, for a better life.
On this occasion, Emil Salim also delivered a document, Pesan Ayah (A Father’s Message), a compass of life which he received from his father and he would like to pass on to the young generation. There are four crucial elements in the message:
- To use your talent and ideas to the highest level. Achieve the highest position to maximize your potentials which is given by God for the good of mankind.
- Learn from nature, as your teacher. Learn how diversity empowers the universe.
- Understand that there is nothing immortal in this world, other than God and changes it self. Do not avoid changes, but be the agent of change who brings positive influence to the society.
- Cultivate learning behavior within: not only from formal institution, but also from the society and people whom we are involved with. Learn to live a lively life.
Before the announcement of the winners of CSL program, Gita Meidita as Project Coordinator informed the project selection criteria as the benchmarks developed by the jurors to select the winner: includes leadership, innovation, impacts and sustainability.
The project criteria to select the best project proposal of CSL program covers the following items:
- Problem identification: how the project identify the problems that it would like to solve
- Innovation and applicability: what is the innovation to solve the problem and its applicability
- Impacts: the project proposed need to show the impacts of the project: socially, economically, and environmentally
- Replicability: the project shows the potential to replicate to wider audience and impacts
- Sustainability: the projects needs to show how it sustains beyond CSL Program
- Target (milestones): the project shows the target from ideas to action in a year
In terms of behavior, the project is evaluated for its leadership capacity of the following elements:
- In making strategic decision
- Building partnership
- Innovation
- Excellent work standards
- High tenacity to achieve target
- Clear conveying communication
- In making impacts: commanding attention, respect, confidence
The event continued with the announcement of the winners for Climate Smart Leaders program who will then receive Emil Salim Award for Young Generation. Accompanied by traditional musical instruments played by children from Sanggar Roda, First Category was announced by Amanda Katili Niode (Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim / The Climate Project Indonesia) and the Second Category by Dr. Asclepias Rachmi (The Foundation of Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics), as the juror representatives.

Category I: age 15 – 18 years old (High school level)
1. Sumarlina, SMAN 1 Wringinanom Gresik,
Doctor of Rivers: Dragonfly as Indicators River’s Health
2. Fahmi Dinni, SMAN 13 Bandung,
MeMo: Message of Movement
3. Muhammad Faisol Tanjung, SMAN 10 Malang,
House/Organic Waste from Sawojajar Market and Schools Management into Environment Friendly Compost

Category II: age 19 – 24 years old (University level)
1. Claudia Windasari Wijaya, Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Surabaya
Utilization of Shrimp Waste as An Alternative for Hiperlidemia Medicine in Tablets
2. Muhammad Noor Rokhmat, Animal Production Major, Faculty of Farming
Universitas Diponegoro
Green Farming Agribusiness with Environmental Friendly Feedlot System
3. Shofarul Wustoni, Chemical Major, Bandung Institute of Technology
Utilization of Orange Peel Waste as Natural Food Packages
After the awards were given to the winners, Sandiaga Uno as the co-founder and Head of Governing Board of Yayasan Inovasi Teknologi, which is also YPB’s partner, delivered his speech on the importance of innovation. Unfortunately the budget for innovation from the government is kept to a minimum. But t should not be the obstacle for youth to keep on innovating. In the world full of competition, innovation is the key role to succeed. Every opportunity must be used to with unstoppable innovation, he noted.
The event followed by a speech Keith Davis, as the Country Director British Council Indonesia. He congratulated he winners and stated his support to the winners of CSL program. YPB is lucky because British Council also gave the first winner from university category, Claudia Windasari Wijaya, to attend British Council Project Management and Leadership for Climate Change Regional Session in Hanoi, Vietnam from 22 – 27 November 2010 with the winners of Climate Generation from British Council. On this occasion, British Council also launched Climate for Classrooms program, which can be seen through:
The CSL program will carry on in the years to come so the young generation will be actively motivated to save their future through innovation added by leadership skill and with the foundation of noble values, just like the message addressed by Darwina Widjajanti, Executive Director of YPB.

“The finalists were highly spirited and the ambience is very lively. We need to involve as many LEAD Fellows as we can on this program. They will certainly pass their knowledge to these young generations and help them to improve their skills.”
Erna Witolear
“It is great that LEAD Fellows are also involved in this event. This event is truly the hallmark which shows that youth is able to play their early role to achieve sustainable development. I am sure that CSL will continue to develop new ways to gain youth awareness towards environmental issues.”
Fahmi Dinni
Second Winner from First Category – SMAN 13 Bandung
“The experience and knowledge I gained from Climate Smart Leaders training and project implementation phase have motivated me to take more real actions to ameliorate and improve my project. The most valuable knowledge for me is about team management. I learned how to build a strong foundation to manage a solid teamwork to achieve bigger goals. CSL has also extended my network that is very useful for me and my team. Even though this year’s event has ended, I hope the finalists and committee will keep in touch and support each other projects.”
Mohammad Nur Rokhmat
Second winner from Second Category – Animal Production, Faculty of Farming, Diponegoro University
“I learn so much from CSL. From the materials given throughout the training and the implementation phase, I was trained to be a smart leader. I also have the chance to meet the extra ordinary Prof. Emil Salim. Climate Smart Leaders have truly changed my perspectives to be able to look from various different angles.”
Claudia Von Nasution
Communication Science, University of Indonesia
“The most valuable thing I gained from Climate Smart Leaders program is networking. The networking is great and I am sure it will certainly help me improve my project. The CSL committee is really cool. They are very helpful and motivating as we can communicate with them informally. The speakers were very inspiring as they shared insightful discussions. It has all motivated me to develop my projects and also create new projects. I hope the future CSL Program will richen its material and methods.”
Abdullah Azzam Al-Afghani
Smart Ekselensia Bogor High School
“I was surprised to find out that I was selected to join Climate Smart Leaders Program since I am coming from social science background. Most of the similar competition only selected those who came from natural science background. During the camp, I gained the knowledge, the friends, and the experience that are irreplaceable.”
Bella Yuliatin
YPK Bontang High School
“There are many benefits I received from joining Climate Smart Leaders Program. The program has increased and deepened my knowledge on environmental issues. The experiences I gained from the camp, the implementation stage, and until the awarding event have been a motivation for me to continue taking real action to save the earth and the future generation.”
R. Zainal Fattah
Chemical Engineering, Institut Sepuluh Nopember
“From all the competitions that I have ever joined, Climate Smart Leaders is very different. In this series of training, we did not only compete towards each other, we also became a family. I learn how to co-operate and collaborate in a team. We also gained the skills and knowledge which were relevant to each of our projects and will surely improve them.”
Our biggest gratitude to the supporters of Climate Smart Leaders program:
The Jurors:
1. Prof. Ani Mardiastuti – Institut Pertanian Bogor
2. Amanda Katili Niode – DNPI/The Climate Project Indonesia
3. Brigita Isworo Laksmi – KOMPAS
4. Dr. Asclepias R. S. Indriyanto, MA – The Foundation of Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics
5. Sandiaga Uno and Andy Pradjaputra – Yayasan Inovasi Teknologi Indonesia
6. Dr. Zul Duki – Secretary for Head of Advisory Council for The President
• Yayasan Inovasi Teknologi, primary partner
• Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (National Council for Climate Change)
• Earth Charter International
• British Council
• PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk
• Kompas Muda
• PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol
• Green Radio
• The Climate Project Indonesia
• Greenaration Indonesia
• PT Indonesia Power
• CEE (Center for Environmental Education)
• The volunteers: Budiono, Burhanudinsyah, Dino Fitriza, Gaia Khairina, Gusti Ayu Fransiska, M. Apip Frimansyah, dan Nina Nuraniyah.
• LEAD Fellows involved as jurors, core team, resource persons, and sponsors for the event.