Celebrated in the International year of Biodiversity, the year of celebrations of Earth Charter +10 and integrated to the II International Meeting of the Environmental Education Agreement for Sustainable Cities and Global Responsibility, this event will be held on January 28-31, 2010 in the Azores. It is addressed to educators, professors, technicians on Environment Education, NGOs and universities and its being organized by ASPEA (Portuguese Association for Environmental Education), Earth Charter Affiliate, and funded by the Portuguese Agency for the Environment, the Science and Technology Foundation, REN and the Government of the Azores.
Its main goals are the following:
- Increase the knowledge regarding current social-environmental issues
- Promote dissemination of the studies and investigations about the new developments of Environmental Education
- Enhance the role of institutions, businesses, NGOs and civil society within the current environmental preoccupations
- Participate in the training of educators on Environmental Education
- Promote active learning experiences in crosscutting themes
- Reflect on the implications of Climate Alterations on Biodiversity
The event will also give participants the opportunity to share experiences and reflect on the topics being analyzed, as well as establishing communication networks.
Professor Dr. Fernando Nobre de AMI, Professor Dr. António Félix Rodrigues from the Azores University and Professor Dr. Pablo Meira from the Santiago de Compostela University will be present among other recognized communicators.
For more information please contact [email protected] or refer to the attached informative document in Portuguese.