With Leonardo Boff and Fritjof Capra (with simultaneous translation English-Spanish).

In this special end of the year event Fritjof Capra and Leonardo Boff will take stock on the current situation humanity faces of threats and possibilities to change the course of things.
This exchange will offer some insights on the following questions:
- What is the role of a shared vision and collaboration, across cultures and borders, to address human common challenges?
- How can the Earth Charter serve as an instrument to help us understand the importance of planetary well-being?
- What is the role of an Earth Ethic, and Spirituality, can play in addressing our global common challenges?
- Why do we need to deepen our sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, and the greater community of life? What does that mean in practice?
This will be a bilingual event, in English and Spanish, and will be interactive, since participants will have the opportunity to comment, ask questions and offer their insights of the topics addressed. Translation service will be provided.
Event fee: $15
Date and time: Thursday 16 December; 1:00pm – 3:00pm Costa Rica time