
Exhibitions and posters

Earth Charter for Children: How to Care for the Earth and its People

The 2008 Earth Charter Children’s Poster was created by many students from different schools in Australia. The effort was led by the Queensland Government and Green Cross Australia.


Earth Charter Art Design – Green Cross Sweden

This poster artwork was done for a school contest in Sweden that was sponsored by the Green Cross


Earth Charter- Promise the Earth
Jonquil Mackey


Jonquil Mackey, professional photographer from Australia, worked on ideas for an Earth Charter image based on the slogan ‘Earth Charter- Promise the Earth’. A series of these images were used to enhance the Australian Earth Charter efforts



Seeds of Change: The Earth Charter & Human Potential
Soka Gakkai International (SGI) and Earth Charter Initiative

An exhibition created by Soka Gakkai International (SGI) and the Earth Charter Initiative and first shown at WSSD (the World Summit on Sustainable Development) held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 2002. Sixteen colorful panels give an introduction to sustainable development, the role of education and the Earth Charter as a set of values and principles for a sustainable living. To learn more, click here.

Sustainability through Design
Vermont Design Institute
United States



Earth Charter Poster

An Earth Charter Poster illustrates four basic rules on how to care for the Earth. The idea of the poster is “Why don’t we all change one bad thing into one good thing, every day?”


Carta da Terra
Ministry of Education of Portugal

This poster was related to the adaptation, translation, printing and distribution of the Earth Charter Guidebook for Teachers in Portugal carried out by the Ministry of Education of this country and ASPEA, Earth Charter Affiliate.