
From a lemon, a lemonade

“From a lemon, a lemonade” is a book of Maria Cristina Damianovich, Brazilian writer and professor.  The author found inspiration in the Earth Charter to write this book, which is a “cronica social”, a common style used by Brazilian authors to expose social situations in a narrative way.  This book (written in Portuguese and Spanish), compiles several short stories of daily-life situations, that reflect the shared and universal values presented in the Earth Charter.


The message of the title is that with something as small as a lemon someone can make something special, like lemonade to be shared with many others. This message is implicit throughout this book’ stories, with small daily actions people can create a better world.


The author is a Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Catholic Pontifical University of Sao Paulo. She is part of the Earth Charter volunteers’ network, and has committed to promote and disseminate the Charter through its academic and literary production.


For more information about Maria Cristina´s extensive work, and to download a copy of “De un limón una limonada”, visit this website www.linguagemeformacao.com.br