As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning.
– The Earth Charter
You must be the change you want to see in the world.
– Mahatma Gandhi

New publication launched in November 2010 during the Earth Charter+10 event in Ahmedabad, India: Earth Charter and Gandhi—Towards a Sustainable World, compiled by Kartikeya Sarabhai, Meena Raghunathan and Amishal Modi, offers a brilliant study of the linkages between Gandhian thinking and the Earth Charter Principles.
The book, containing the foreword by Prof. Steven Rockefeller, presents each of the EC Principles, accompanied by a carefully selected collection of thoughts by Mahatma Gandhi, corresponding with the discussed issue or problem. Starting with the topic of respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, economic and social justice, up to the question of peace, non-violence and the future of humanity, the book’s authors succeed in demonstrating the deep connection between Gandhi’s and Earth Charter’s views on the fundamental challenges facing our world today.
Earth Charter and Gandhi—Towards a Sustainable World offers the reader a wonderful insight into the Gandhian philosophy and the Earth Charter, inspiring compassionate thinking and positive action. Click here to download it.
Publication details:
Authors: Kartikeya Sarabhai, Meena Raghunathan, Amishal Modi, and Steven Rockefeller (foreword)
Title: Earth Charter and Gandhi—Towards a Sustainable World
Publisher: Centre for Environment Education, Nehru Foundation for Development, Ahmedabad
ISBN: 978-81-89587-59-8
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