e-GLO Open House – All Invited
January 30th 2010
5pm – 7pm GMT
Enter the online event here
Use the Time Zone Converter to confirm the exact time in your region
e-GLO, Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity, is a semester-long, online leadership course inspired by the Earth Charter. The current course, e-GLO 2, is called ‘Earth Charter Guiding Leaders Towards Sustainability Action’.
This leadership course started in September 2009 and will have its grand finale on Saturday, January 30th 2010. This special world wide event will be open for everyone! You are welcome to join us!
This multimedia, online event will feature:
- A brief introduction to e-GLO
- Guest Speakers
- Live interactive discussions
- Participant’s commentary on their work and the course
- Presentation of certificates
Join us to:
- Get inspired
- Experience new tools for online education
- Meet e-GLO Alumni from around the world
- Make connections with people making a difference around the world
Participants are inspiring young people from more than 20 different countries, engaged in local grassroots projects and global initiatives.
To join us, click here at 5.00 pm GMT on Saturday Jan 30th and click on “Enter as a guest.” No password is required! Just type your name, organization, and country. Then wait to be accepted into the room.
Note that it is better to have a cable internet connection than wireless when connecting to the online seminar room.
To learn more, visit the e-GLO website and Facebook group.
e-GLO is organized in “e-GLO Global Online Live & Interactive Seminar Room” that is a product of Heart In Action Enterprise and Asita Informatica.
Interactive New Media Web Multimedia Events –
“The power to touch the world continues through secured multimedia communication platform for social new media projects”.