
It Starts With One… viral!

Besides of the television spot that has been created the Earth Charter Communication Task Force has also started an online campaign on a theme “It Starts With One”.

The campaign consists of two videos. In the first video, several young people share what they do for a sustainable future and call upon others to join them. The main message is that everyone can use the principles of the Earth Charter and that new media make it even easier to spread them.

The video is linked to a second video on a special webpage, where viewers are warmly welcomed back. Here, they find more information about the Earth Charter.

With this campaign the Task Force hopes to inform people who are new to the Earth Charter about the principles in a low-threshold manner. The aim is to spread the video via social media, as a viral.

“Earth Charter: It Starts With One” is the slogan that is being used worldwide throughout the year 2010, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Earth Charter.

Help spreading the viral! Place the first video on your profile or webpage.