
Little Earth Charter project at UMAPAZ, City of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Raising awareness among children about the necessary changes for a global society based on the values of the Earth Charter.

The Little Earth Charter project project was created to mobilize children aged 6 to 10, in actions of respect and care for the community of life, uniting generations in co-responsibility and taking a leading role in protecting biodiversity and combating the climate crisis.

The Earth Charter in Action programme / Programa Carta da Terra em Ação, from UMAPAZ, has been operating in Children and Adolescent Centers – Social Assistance facilities in São Paulo – known as CCA. This project, present in the city of São Paulo, aims to offer social protection to children and adolescents through socio-educational activities. We have already visited five educational centers, located in Guaianases and Itaquera, neighborhoods in the East Zone of the Capital known for being peripheral territories and marked by various socio-environmental vulnerabilities and needs.

In these centers and activities, we talked about the Earth Charter with more than 250 children, providing experiences and opportunities for them to reflect on the individual and collective changes they can make. The activities during the day are designed in a playful way and consider participants as protagonists, with the aim of generating meaningful learning.

One of the children’s favorite activities is going out to recognize the territory, the place where they are, we walk around the neighborhood, so that they, individually, point out the challenges of the surrounding area and then, together, dream about what they would like their neighborhood to be like and what they could do to improve it to change. This day of recognizing the territory and discovering that change can come from them is the moment when the meetings fall into place and start to make sense to the children.

For the year 2024, another 18 classes of the Little Earth Charter project and awareness-raising course are planned, with the expectation of dialogue with more than 500 children.