On April 15th, 2016 the Technological Institute of Patzcuaro, Mexico, endorsed the Earth Charter and organized, in the framework of this endorsement, the Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. This conference is a response to the Mexican government’s commitment to the Global Action Program on ESD from UNESCO. Three hundred educators of higher education and secondary education attended the conference, along with government authorities from the Ministry of Environment, Education and the local government.
There were several meaningful discussions at the conference about how universities can create educational programs that promote a more just, peaceful and sustainable society.
In addition, the Pedagogical University of Veracruz also endorsed the Earth Charter. In the text of the endorsement document, the University expresses its commitment in the following terms:
“We pledge to use the Earth Charter as a guide and ethical framework for decision-making, in the development of plans and policies, and as an educational tool for sustainable development of the state, under the vision and goals of the document that seeks a just, sustainable, and more peaceful world”.