
Mexican Network of the Earth Charter is growing

In October and November of 2019, the Mexican Network of the Earth Charter was very active. Various activities and workshops were organized and 12 new institutions signed the Earth Charter. Read more information in the following short news:

New Endorsers of the Earth Charter:

· Virtual University of the State of Michoacán (October 4)

· Education for Excellence Foundation and Grupo Magno (October 9, Puebla)

· The Executive Intercultural University of Mexico, UNIEM (October 10, State of Mexico)

· Sinaloa and eight city halls: (November 12). This guarantee implies that all these local governments commit to approve projects and measures aligned with the principles of the TC.

IPMA supports the Earth Charter

The International Project Management Association (IPMA) approved the Earth Charter on October 1, during its Annual Conference held in Mérida, Mexico. The President of this Association, Jorge Peart Mijangos signed this support, with Mateo Castillo, Coordinator of the Mexican Network of the Earth Charter.

IPMA is the world’s first project management association, founded in 1965.

Series of Seminars on Education for Sustainable Development in Michoacán

The Earth Charter Committee of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) organized a series of Seminars on Education for Sustainable Development, together with different institutions of higher education, where the role of the Charter of the Earth as an educational instrument. The following were the headquarters and co-organizers of these seminars:

8 October: UMSNH University Cultural Center

October 16: Michoacan Institute of Education Sciences “José María Morelos”

October 24: Uruapan Institute of Technology

November 5: Zamora Technological Institute

November 27: Higher Technological Institute of Apatzingán

600 participants in a workshop in Sonora

Martín Villa, focal point of the Mexican Network of the Earth Charter in Sonora, has generated a series of workshops on the Earth Charter for students.

The first series of workshops was held in the first days of October 2019 and had 600 participants from the Center for Technological Studies of Services No. 69, of the city of Obregón, Sonora.

UAEMex celebrates the 15th anniversary of its support for the Earth Charter72698346_10162239013075328_2051995302260375552_n

The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMex) was the first Mexican university to support the Earth Charter 15 years ago, and this anniversary was celebrated in October 2019 with a series of new organizations that also supported the Earth Charter, as SustentaRed, JADE Collective: Health and Sustainability and the Ahimsa Organic Producers Network.

This activity was carried out within the framework of the VI CEDES-UAEMex Sustainability Congress, which was attended by Dr. Mateo Alfredo Castillo, focal point of the Earth Charter in Mexico.

Commitment of CECyTEM Morelia

The College of Scientific and Technological Studies of the State of Michoacán (CECyTEM) renewed its commitment to the Earth Charter, after having endorsed it for the first time 5 years ago. In the celebration held on November 26, they raised 79 flags of the Earth Charter, one for each campus of this College.

Two Earth Charter workshops were a great success in Aguascalientes75627587_10162256726965328_1606717673108930560_o

During the 9th Interuniversity Environmental Fair on October 26, 2019, in Aguascalientes, Mexico, IMEPP AC, which is part of the Mexican Earth Charter Network, participated with a stand and organized two workshops on the Earth Charter. Young people, university students, representatives of official institutions and organized civil society organizations were among the participants.

Mateo Castillo exposes about the Earth Charter in Congress in Colombia76693191_2695652870490841_4222155982446264320_n

The Coordinator of the Mexican Network of the Earth Charter (CT) and member of the Council of the International CT participated in the VI International Congress of Environmental Education and Social Networks organized by the University of Cundinamarca, Colombia. He gave a lecture addressed to the middle school community; He participated in a conversation with teachers from the University of Cundinamarca and master’s students in education with an emphasis on Environmental Education and gave the keynote lecture “Vision of the Earth Charter as an ethical framework for sustainability”. This event was held on November 21.

ECYL Yanis García organizes workshop on the Earth Charter

The Young Leader of the Earth Charter, Yanis García, from Mexico, is the Director of Planning and Projects of Green Components, a consulting organization on environmental education, sustainability and responsible tourism.

In October 2019, Green Components organized a workshop on the Earth Charter. See some photos here.