
New book utilizes the Earth Charter as a resource for English teachers

Professor Barbara M. Birch from the University of California, Fresno has used the Earth Charter in a book entitled The English Language Teacher in Global Civil Society (published by Routledge in 2009).


This book explains how English language teachers can help spread and promote sustainable peace and encourage global citizenship in our increasingly interconnected global society. The book recognizes the importance of English language teachers and students in global civil society, and it portrays a compelling view of how teachers can be activists for social change.


The book draws from many different fields, topics and theories. The author places emphasis on the Earth Charter by identifying it as an effective tool in the expression and construction of a global civic culture and civil society. Birch creates a convincing argument by utilizing many different principles of the Earth Charter and other topic and theories throughout the book.

This book, while providing information and strategies for teachers to become effective agents of change, is not, however, a dry recital of overly complex theories and ideas; it is an interesting and motivating resource that uses the Earth Charter to help empower English language teachers around the world.   Fore more information, read this summary or check this link.