
New Earth Charter Website in Greek!

We are glad to inform you that basic information on the Earth Charter is now available through a new Greek Earth Charter website! This is the result of an effort led by a group of young Greek professionals who are starting to work voluntarily to promote the Earth Charter in Greece.  According to the group, the process was simple enough after a close partner offered them free web hosting.

The team translated all the relevant information needed for the website, their objective is to offer an interactive platform where anyone can register and participate in discussions and post important news about sustainability and the Earth Charter. Nonetheless, the team members are constantly updating the website. ‘This will be the source of information about the Earth Charter Initiative for Greece’ said Demi Smoloktou, member of the group.

It is worth to mention that this website reflects the active involvement of youth groups involved in the Earth Charter Initiative which focuses on integrating all the relevant tiers; Universities, NGO’s, Companies and the governmental sector.