
New Mapting Version 2.0- and Launch at FAO Headquarters

We are excited to announce our newest version of Mapting 2.0! Mapting is a free tool infogr Maptingthat invites users to look for everyday actions that people take which help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While learning more about the SDGs users can find which Earth Charter Principles are linked to each SDGs. Mapting was officially launched at an event called “Youth boosting the promotion and implementation of the SDGs” held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 10 November 2016. After a year of being launched Mapting has had 8,295 downloads and 5,358 active users. The countries with the most activity are China, US, and India.


Mapting 2.0 was launched at the opening of the exhibition titled “Seeds of Hope: Visions of Sustainability, Steps Toward Change,” shown in the David Lubin Memorial Library at the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy, from April 3 to 5. This exhibition offers a colorful display showing how one person’s actions can make a difference. The main speaker at the April 3 opening ceremony was FAO Deputy Director-General for Climate and Natural Resources Maria Helena Semedo. More information of this event here.

With this new version, we are excited to announce many different features.  Users can now sign up as an individual or as an institution being able to show case and track their work as an NGO, institution, organization, or school. The app is now  available in Spanish in order to have a larger reach to Spanish speaking countries. Our Mapting Blog is now linked to the app, write us an article to publish about your project/work and tell us how you’re using Mapting.

Users can now click on other users profile picture to send a private message in order to find out more about their project. View your SDG wheel to see which SDGs you still need to use to fill in the colored wheel. In the global map, find out who is using Mapting around the world, now with the option to filter by SDG or by Earth Charter Principle.

You can now also search through the photo feed by keyword finding specific projects, initiatives or a user. When users take a picture or a video of an SDG action, the app will automatically link it to one of our Earth Charter Principles as well as the “Ethical Root” Earth Charter principle, representing Earth Charter Principles 1-4 which embody all SDGs.

  1. Respect Earth and life in all its diversity
  2. Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love
  3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful
  4. Secure Earth’s bounty and beauty for present and future generations
global map features

Search for projects around the world by SDG or by EC principle

Mapting was created based on the belief that individuals, specifically young individuals, have power to initiate and contribute to social change. This app is a simple, entertaining way to discover and engage with the Global Goals and the Earth Charter principles. Our goal is to popularize the app across the world spreading the movement of sustainable development in every region of the world.

We plan to generate a report at the end of the year to see which SDG has been most used, as well as which country or organization has been most active.

Download the new version of Mapting on Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android now for free at www.mapting.org to join people around the world who Snap & Map everyday acts that contribute to the SDGs. If you have already downloaded the app, make sure to check your app store for instructions on how to update the app to the new version.