The Earth Charter International Secretariat joined a consortium of organizations and research institutions in a two-year research project to develop indicators to measure values components of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) projects. The project acronym is “ESDinds”, and, among others, it will evaluate experiences of using the Earth Charter in educational settings.
The research work and coordination of the project is carried out by the personnel of the University of Brighton (UK) and Charles University (Czech Republic). They will work in collaboration with several CSOs (civil society organizations) to learn about their projects and actions and will guide the process to develop the indicators and assessment tools. These would allow the participating CSOs to measure their impact and effectiveness in achieving their project’s goals. ECI participates as one of the four CSOs who will start with this process. Nonetheless, it is the intention to invite at least 50 more CSOs to apply and experiment with the indicators. At the end of the project (most likely January or February 2011), the project will organize an international workshop to present its results. If you are interested, you can read this two-page pamphlet. In addition, if you would like to get involved in this project please contact Alicia Jimenez at [email protected] to explore this possibility.