The launch of Earth Charter Sierra Leone network took place on September 21st, 2011 at the Harry Yansaneh Memorial Hall, Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) headquarters, Campbell Street, Freetown.
The program brought together representatives from civil society organizations, the UN, government, youth leaders, print and electronic media, as well as the business sector.
All the details on this launch ceremony can be found in this report, and also at the ECSL network website, where pictures of this event have been published: www.earthchartersl.net
Mr. Donald Kalokoh, Acting Coordinator of the ECSL, affirmed that Earth Charter Sierra Leone seeks to have people and organizations in Sierra Leone putting the Mission of the Earth Charter Initiative into action together with their peers and communities. This network started back in 2003 with the creation of Earth Charter Youth Group (ECYG-SL) by Mr. Sylvanus S. Murray, who is now the Executive Coordinator of ECSL and Founder of the Advocacy Initiative for Development (AID).
The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Anthony Koroma, Commissioner of the National Youth Commission. He pledged the government and the Youth Commission’s support to ECSL towards expanding their outreach.
The launch ended with an interactive session by participants who made meaningful contributions. Among the key contributors was UNDP representative Fatmata Sarah Turay.
Funds for the launching ceremony and all other expenses associated with the running of ECSL are provided by the Advocacy Initiative for Development (AID), which is also hosting the network.
Find more about EC Sierra Leone on their website, on Facebook and on Twitter. Or contact them directly: [email protected]