Conscious and Ethical Leadership and the Common Good with Oscar Motomura
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Listen to this episode: Duration: 48 min.
Quick Overview
Confused by the competition culture in his early years, Mr. Motomura drew inspiration from a poem and came to realise that the best entrepreneurs are those who search for the common good. Mr. Motomura considers selfishness and individualism as opposite of common good, and that these qualities have evolved to be collective egotism, generating crises. The Earth Charter, in Mr. Motomura’s opinion, defines what the common good is. He stresses the importance to convey the essence of the Earth Charter in participatory dialogues and allow people to adapt it to their local contexts rather than focus on the letter (meaning the detailed of words). On leadership, Mr. Motomura talks about being conscious about the reality in which society operates today. Since systemic problems require systemic solutions, leaders are advised to be courageous, to elicit participation of enlightened citizens for the collective creativity, and be “three-fold strategic” in the collective movement towards the common good.
Questions and Topics Addressed in this Episode
- Reflections on his personal involvement in the Earth Charter movement and on how his worldview has expanded by (with) the Earth Charter.
- What do you think are the root cause of the current crises?
- How can the Earth Charter benefit business leaders?
- What kind of leadership is needed to the current times?
- What is an ethical, responsible and conscious leader like and what is the difference between ethical and unethical leaders?
- Lessons learned about how learning takes place, after thirty plus years working on professional development training programmes.
Oscar Motomura

Conscious and Ethical Leadership and the Common Good
Who is Oscar Motomura?
Oscar Motomura is the founder and CEO of Amana-Key, a specialized firm in management, strategy and leadership based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Amana-Key offers professional development programmes for leaders and managers from the public and private sector. Mr. Motomura has created several initiatives over the past few decades, such as “Strategy for the Country,” “Conscious Voters,” “Youth Project,” “PGE – Entrepreneurial Management Programme,” and other social responsibility and sustainability related programmes. He served as co-chair of the Earth Charter International Council for several years. One of his recent articles is titled Conscious Leadership and the Much-needed Reinvention of the Notion of Market (2020). More information can be found at http://oscarmotomura.com.br
This podcast is developed by Earth Charter International as part of our work as UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter.