
Proceedings of Education for Sustainable Living Workshop

Education Sustainable LivingThe workshop “Education for Sustainable Living –  Advancing teaching and learning for responsible consumption” took place on 24th April  2018 in the framework of UNESCO Global Action Programme on ESD Global Network Meeting, in Costa Rica.

We are sharing here the proceedings of this workshop, which include the presentation files and some pictures from the days, as well as a summary of each session and a review of the workshop outcomes.

ESL Workshop Proceedings

This workshop was  organized  by: Latin  America  PERL  Regional  Network,  Centre  for  Collaborative  Learning  for  Sustainable  Development  at  Inland  Norway  University  of  Applied  Sciences and  the  Earth  Charter  Center  for  Education  for  Sustainable  Development.

Find here more information about PERL work on Education for Sustainable Lifestyles.