
Report of Earth Charter Affiliate in Australia 2018

The United Nations Association Australia (QLD Division) Committee, Earth Charter Australia, operates under the umbrella of United Nations Association of Australia (Queensland) -UNAAQ – that promotes the Earth Charter principles through activities and events in partnership with social justice organisations.

The Global Citizenship Schools program is the major undertaking of the Committee and includes the conduct of a student Leadership day held at Parliament House in February – the beginning of the school year in Australia, and the development of a website outlining the Leadership day program and teacher resources for United Nations issues and objectives and Earth Charter resources.

The website – unaaqglobalcitizens.weebly.com – was developed and maintained by Jane Batham and Louise Erbacher as education specialists and a valuable tool available to all schools. Schools that register as a Global Citizenship School are provide with extra resources available through a password dropbox.

The Youth Voice on Nuclear Disarmament Workshop was conducted in August with 40 students from seven schools to learn, debate and express their opinions on the topic of Nuclear Disarmament. A video of the day can be seen at: https://youtu.be/7GDYARNxn8U

The Committee sponsored the Australian national conference of the AAEE association whose members are environmental educationalists and use many Earth Charter resources.
The Earth Charter Committee continues to be acknowledged in the conduct of the Brisbane Annual Peace Lecture held to celebrate the UN International Day for Peace and other UNAAQ events

I would like to thank all those members and organisations that have supported the work of the Earth Charter Committee to promote the values and principles for a just sustainable and peaceful global society.
Clem Campbell
March 2019