The LifeFair, held in conjunction with the Zürich Autumn Fair, is a platform to allow people to explore the challenges facing the world and the means in which they can contribute to positive, global change.
ECI Affiliated organization in Switzerland organized a collaborative platform for many different organizations to work with public audiences within the Lifefair, held in Zurich from September 23 to October 2, 2011. Products were presented, cultures were explored, scientific work was explained, and students had the opportunity to participate in a research workshop on global interdependencies. The Earth Charter exhibition demonstrated how different actors are taking an ethical stand using the Earth Charter, as a guiding framework and inspiration, and why it is important to do so.
In addition, the many facets of sustainability were presented to the wider public through a student-organized poster exhibition. This traveling exhibition helps to deepen understanding of sustainable development. Posters were collected from worldwide organizations, depicting many different themes: deforestation, biodiversity loss, poverty, the food crisis (both under- and overconsumption), and the climate crisis. The posters were accompanied by text created by students of the Master in Sustainable Development program at the University of Basel (the full collection can be viewed here, under Facetten der Nachhaltigkeit, contact [email protected] for more information).
At the end, the exhibitors and audience alike were effectively confronted with many of the concepts central to the Earth Charter: What is our responsibility to society and the environment? What are the consequences of our actions? How can individuals play a significant role in solving global challenges?