
The Little Earth Charter animated shorts

Get ready for Earth Day! Little Animation is proud to announce the release of its latest animated series for early years education – The Little Earth Charter. What do the words Life, Interconnected, Family, Past, Earth, Peace, Love and Future mean to you? To respect and care for life, human rights, the environment, and a sustainable future on earth: loveable duo Planet Earth and Little Rosie will show you!


The Little Earth Charter was created to help teachers integrate universal environmental values into their classrooms. It is a compelling and entertaining audio-visual educational program produced in consultation with the Earth Charter Initiative and Manitoba’s Ministry of Education Citizenship and Youth. Little Animation Inc. and the Sustainable Development Innovations Fund with Manitoba Conservation provided funding for this project.


Directed by JC Little, the eight shorts have been animated by 1996 Oscar nominee Alexei Kharitidi, with music performed by children’s entertainer Rosie Emery. The DVD is now available in English and French for the educational world by CINEFETE Distribution. We are also pleased to announce that we will be presenting the project at the 5th World Environmental Education Congress in Montreal in May 2009. A book series based on the Little Earth Charter is in the final stages of development.


Great for early years!


