In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Earth Charter launch, and considering the importance of the ongoing articulation and sowing of the Earth Charter principles and values, the network “Weaving the Earth Charter in Paraná” was formed by various individuals and institutions, among them Instituto Nhandecy and Ecoletivo (ECI Affiliates), REA-PR and CNLB. This new network is holding a series of online dialogues on “Towards a new water culture “. The extreme climatic phenomena we are facing are presented as challenges for the construction of our future. In this context, an intergenerational pact is urgently needed to save the entire community of life. This effort is stimulated by the understanding that weaving the Earth Charter means to collectively build a sustainable future for the whole community of life.
In the first three meetings, around 200 people from different parts of Brazil participated. The first online gathering took place on 23 June, the same week that the Earth Charter celebrated its 20th anniversary. The 2nd meeting took place on 8 July and the 3rd on 17 September, with the aim of deepening the dialogues on actions that can stimulate a new culture to care for water.

See the history of the meetings.
Do you want to be part of this movement? The exchanges are taking place in Portuguese only.
The next meeting will take place on 17 November 2020 and you can register here.
Join the Facebook group.
Join the Telegram group