Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: 2012 Country: International
Earth Charter Exhibition 2012
This is an exhibition conceptualized by Douglas F. Williamson of ECI, designed by designing of Brazil, and with photographs donated by Azli Jamil, Mina Jokivirta, Ingrid Mårn, Isidro Con Matarrita, Tri Silvanto, Shannon Walsh, and
Published: 2012 Country: International
Thesis Gender, Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter
“Gender, Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter: Research, Analysis and Recommendations” is the title of the thesis done by Mayme Lefurgey, student of the Master Program in Gender and Peacebuilding of the UN Mandated University for Peace, in Costa Rica.
Published: 2012 Country: International
Otherness, Justice and Jus Gentium
“Otherness, Justice and Jus Gentium: the legally binding value of Earth Charter for the protection of human rights”, is the title of the presentation done by Ricardo Libel Waldman on July 2nd, 2012 at the 10th Annual Colloquium of the…
Published: 2012 Country: International
Earth Charter International Annual Report 2011
Report of activities and strategies of the Earth Charter International and selected actions of the Earth Charter Initiative during 2011.
Published: 2012 Country: International
UNESCO Temas Innovemos – 3 ed
Tercera edición de la colección Temas Innovemos, de la Red Innovemos, red regional de innovaciones educativas en América Latina y el Caribe.
Published: 2012 Country: International
Earth Charter Brochure and Poster 2012 Print Version
This is the print version of the 2012 Earth Charter Brochure and Poster with bleeds. This is one piece of paper with the dimensions 432x558mm printed on both sides and folded twice. The design was submitted to ECI as part…
Published: 2012 Country: International
Versión para Imprimir 2012 del Panfleto y el Afiche de la Carta de la Tierra
Esta es la versión para imprimir del Panfleto y el Afiche de la Carta de la Tierra 2012 con sangría. Este es una sola pieza de papel con dimensiones 432x558mm, impreso por ambos lados y doblado dos veces. El diseño…
Published: 2012 Country: International
Versão para Impressão do folheto e cartaz da Carta da Terra 2012
Esta é a versão para impressão do folheto e o cartaz da Carta da Terra 2012 recuado. Trata-se de uma só peça com as dimensões de papel 432x558mm impresso em ambos lados e dobrada duas vezes. O desenho foi apresentado…
Published: 2012 Country: International
Earth Charter Brochure 2012
This is the brochure without poster created by contest winner Melody Wai of Canada. It is four pages and can be downloaded for print or digital pdf.
Published: 2012 Country: International
Carta da Terra 2012 Brochura – Português
Este é o folheto sem cartaz criado por concurso vencedor Melody Wai do Canadá. É quatro páginas e pode ser baixado para impressão ou pdf digital.