Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: 2011 Country: International
Rio 2012: Enabling a Flourishing Earth
In response to the agenda for Rio+20, the authors address in this article a major problem in sustainable development that brings together the issues of a green economy and institutional arrangements.
Published: 2011 Country: International
Rio 2012: Propiciando un Planeta Floreciente
Como respuesta a la agenda establecida para Río+20, los autores abordan aquí uno de los problemas principales en el desarrollo sostenible, el cual reune los temas relativos a una economía verde y a las disposiciones institucionales.
Published: 2011 Country: Canada
University of Winnipeg – Sustinability Education
Description of a teachers training diploma at University of Winnipeg that uses the Earth Charter.
Published: 2011 Country: United States
Reflections Contest with the Earth Charter
Article and original essays of the Kenmore School's reflection contest, fall 2010.
Published: 2011 Country: International
EC Sierra Leone Launch Report
This report summarizes the launching ceremony of Earth Charter Sierra Leone network, that happened in September 21st 2011 in Freetown.
Published: 2011 Country: International
Rio 2012 process – Zero Draft
Reference documents for the Rio+20 zero draft process.
Published: 2011 Country: International
Recommendations to Zero Draft Rio+20
Recommendations from the Earth Charter Initiative to the compilation document for the UNCSD Rio+20 Summit.
Published: 2011 Country: International
Recomendaciones de Carta de la Tierra para Rio+20
Recomendaciones de la Iniciativa de la Carta de la Tierra para el documento de compilación para la Conferencia de la ONU Rio+20.
Published: 2011 Country: International
Rio2012 : Pour la prospérité de la Terre
En réponse à l'agenda de Rio+20, les auteurs abordent la question du développement durable du point de vue de l'économie verte et du cadre institutionnel, proposant une description d'une nouvelle forme de gouvernance.
Published: 2011 Country: International
Histoire de l’Initiative de la Charte de la Terre
Une brève histoire de la Charte de la Terre et de son Initiative depuis le Sommet de la Terre de 1992 à nos jours.