Virtual Library

Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.

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  • Published: 2010 Country: Costa Rica

    Earth Charter Success Stories

    A summary of stories on how the Earth Charter has been used successfully in different fields.

  • Published: 2010 Country: Spain

    La Ecopedagogía en la formación inicial de maestros

    This is an article on Ecopedagogy for teacher training at the University of Granada based on the Earth Chater.

  • Published: 2010 Country: Brazil

    Thesis- A Carta da Terra no meio rural

    The Earth Charter in rural areas from the actions of agro industries. Thesis submitted as partial requirement for the Masters degree at University of Ceara, Brazil.

  • Published: 2010 Country: International

    Historias exitosas sobre la Carta de la Tierra

    Un resumen de experiencias sobre como se ha utilizado la Carta de la Tierra en distintos ambitos. (ITAIPU GRI PHILIPS BRASIL, Ciudad de Montpelier, Vermont USA, Zambia, EGLO, Grupos de jóvenes UMAPAZ, Conflicto India Países Bajos)

  • Published: 2010 Country: International

    ISO26000 and the Earth Charter

    This article details the synergies between the new ISO Standard 26000 Guidance for social Responsibility and the Earth Charter.

  • Published: 2010 Country: International

    Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 4,2

    This is the volume 4, number 2 of the Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, dedicated to the Earth Charter in its 10th Anniversary.

  • Published: 2010 Country: International

    Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Earth Charter Initiative

    Steven C. Rockefeller´s speech on “Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Earth Charter Initiative” A Keynote Address for the CEE Conference on an “Ethical Framework for a Sustainable World” held on November 1-3, 2010 in Ahmedabad, India

  • Published: 2010 Country: International

    Earth Charter & Gandhi – Towards a Sustainable World

    This publication offers a study of the linkages between Gandhian thinking and the Earth Charter Principles. It demonstrates the connection between Gandhi’s and Earth Charter’s views on the fundamental challenges facing our world today. Many of the Earth Charter principles…

  • Published: 2010 Country: International

    Aclaraciones sobre Temas Controversiales – Carta de la Tierra

    De vez en cuando, las personas formulan preguntas acerca de la postura de la Carta de la Tierra con respecto a diferentes temas sociales que son controversiales o delicados. Steven Rockefeller, en consulta con varios miembros del Consejo y asesores…

  • Published: 2010 Country: International

    The Why and What of ESD

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