Virtual Library

Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.

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  • Published: 2008 Country: International

    General Presentation – Volunteers

    This is a general presentation about the Earth Charter to be used in educational settings

  • Published: 2008 Country: Mexico

    Presentación para profesores de Educación Preescolar

    Taller para Professores de Pre-Escolar sobre como trabajar con la Carta de la Tierra

  • Published: 2008 Country: International

    Education for Sustainable Development based on the Earth Charter

    This is an essay of hope in humanity’s moral and intellectual capacity to envision, jointly plan and carry-forth a concerted effort to meet the historically unique challenges we face and also to create opportunities for fulfilling the potential of our…

  • Published: 2008 Country: International

    Buddy Experiment

    Report on experiment with Intergenerational Partnership through pairing of different generations. IUCN Commission on Education and Communication and Earth Charter Youth Initiative, Global Youth Action Network, TakingItGlobal, Peace Child International, Peace Child Peru - Embajadores del Desarrollo, Youth Action for…

  • Published: 2008 Country: Ukraine

    The Oak Tree – Fairy Tale

    This beautiful fairytale inspired by the Convention on the Rights of the Child was written by Volodymyr Motyrov during his internship in UNICEF. It also relates to the 4th pillar of the Earth Charter: Democracy, Nonviolence and Peace.

  • Published: 2008 Country: Costa Rica

    Propuesta Para Escuelas Secundarias Carta de la Tierra – UNA

    This article describes a tool created by Maria Isabel Torres, professor of the Faculty of Education at the National University of Costa Rica (UNA). This tool aims to help high school teachers to incorporate the notions of sustainability contained in…

  • Published: 2008 Country: International

    Principes pour impliquer le secteur privé

    Principes pour impliquer le secteur privé dans l’Initiative de la Charte de la Terre, adoptes par le Conseil en 20008

  • Published: 2008 Country: International

    Expériences éducatives avec la Charte de la Terre

    Exemples concrets d'utilisation de la Charte de la Terre et de ses principes dans les salles de classe à tous les niveaux et dans l'éducation non-formelle.

  • Published: 2008 Country: International

    Compassionate Leadership for an Interdependent World

    A presentation by Steven C. Rockefeller. “Compassionate Leadership for an Interdependent World”. Compassionate Leadership Conference, “No guts, No glory,” organized by ZIN Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3 December 2008

  • Published: 2008 Country: International

    Principles for Engaging Business in the Earth Charter Initiative

    From the ¨Earth Charter Initiative Handbook¨, published in September 2008, a guide to the Principles for Engaging Business in the Earth Charter Initiative.

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