Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: 2005 Country: International
The Earth Charter in Action: Toward a Sustainable Development (Dutch)
A large-format, beautifully published book of essays on the Earth Charter, featuring many prominent authors and leaders in the Earth Charter Initiative worldwide, as well as many Earth Charter activists putting the vision to work in the world. Book edited…
Published: 2005 Country: International
La Carta de la Tierra en Acción: Hacia un Mundo Sostenible
Un libro de ensayos sobre la Carta de la Tierra en formato grande, bellamente publicado, con la contribución de varios prominentes autores y líderes de la Iniciativa de la Carta de la Tierra a nivel mundial, así como de varios…
Published: 2005 Country: International
The Earth Charter Guidebook for Teachers
This guidebook is written for teachers interested in bringing into the classroom their concerns for building a just and peaceful world. It attempts to respond to the needs of educators who feel that fundamental changes are needed in our teaching…
Published: 2005 Country: International
Charting the Way Forward: Cases of the Earth Charter in Motion
The "Cases" referred to in the title are stories about how different groups around the world are using the Earth Charter in schools, universities, other educational organizations, and local community institutions. This book provides very detailed and practical information, useful…
Published: 2005 Country: International
Earth Charter +5 Progress Report
An essential historical document and extensive internal review of the Earth Charter Initiative`s first five years (2000-2005), this report was compiled by a variety of authors and edited by Steven C. Rockefeller and Mirian Vilela.
Published: 2005 Country: International
Engaging in Global Dialogue for Sustainable Development
Published: 2005 Country: International
The Earth Charter/UNESCO CD and the Earth Charter/UNESCO CD School Kit
21 songs by international artists promoting the Earth Charter Principles. The CD User Guide includes song lyrics, artist bios, and activities associated with the theme of the songs. Activities include drawing one’s values and questioning how students live their values;…
Published: 2005 Country: Australia
Thesis – Rossi, Vicky – Research on A Shared Human Identity: the Foundation of a Peace Culture – 2005
A Thesis Submitted to The European University Centre for Peace Studies Stadtschlaining/Burg, Austria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Master of Arts degree in Peace and Conflict Studies.
Published: 2005 Country: International
Draft International implementation scheme for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)
“This document has been prepared in pursuance of 171 EX/Decision 6 and in conformity with United Nations resolution 59/237, which request the Director-General to submit the draft International Implementation Scheme for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development…
Published: 2005 Country: Spain
Década de la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Algunas Ideas para Elaborar una Estrategia Global
Revista Eureka sobre Enseñanza de las Ciencias (2005), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 91-100.