Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: 2004 Country: International
Earth Scouts Facilitators Handbook – 3rd-5th
Earth Scouts Facilitators Handbook - 3rd-5th. A manual with curriculum and activities for Earth Scouts activities.
Published: 2004 Country: International
Earth Scouts Facilitators Tips – K-5th
Earth Scouts Facilitators Tips - K-5th. An Introduction to Opening, Closing and Other Activities for Earth Scouts Groups.
Published: 2004 Country: International
Soft Power, Global Ethics, and the Earth Charter
Steven C. Rockefeller´s speech “Soft Power, Global Ethics, and the Earth Charter” “Where on Earth are We Going?” A Symposium in honor of Maurice F. Strong. Wesleyan University September 11, 2004.
Published: 2003 Country: International
Titulo de la Ponencia: Sociedad civil y mundo global sostenible: importancia de la Carta de la Tierra -2003
En este articulo se analiza la importancia de la Carta de la Tierra y sobre todo se considera la crisis ambiental y las dificultades de la agenda ambiental global. Se propone analizar la existencia de una identidad planetaria. Se argumenta…
Published: 2003 Country: International
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) Framework for the International Implementation Scheme
"In December 2002, resolution 57/254 on the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and UNESCO was designated as lead agency for the promotion of the Decade. This document contains…
Published: 2003 Country: International
Resolution: UNESCO`s support for the Earth Charter
This is UNESCO`s Draft Resolution in support of the Earth Charter as presented by Jordan.
Published: 2003 Country: International
UNESCO Resolution Adopted at General Conference Plenary Session 16 October 2003
Published: 2003 Country: Hungary
A Fold Charta: Értékek és alapelvek a fenntartható jövőért
Published: 2003 Country: United Kingdom
The Earth Charter and Global Ethics – 2003
What kind of global ethic is the Earth Charter? In getting people to accept the Earth Charter, what kinds of resistance are we likely to meet, and in the light of this, what ways of presenting the Earth Charter as…
Published: 2003 Country: Japan
Vision, Courage, and Sustainability – 2003
Professor Rockefeller address the GEA Conference for a Sustainable Future on October 24, 2003 in Toyko, Japan.