Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: 2003 Country: International
Earth Charter: It’s necessary to care for life – 2003
Translation into English, provided by Moacir Gadotti, of Leonardo Boff’s speech at the World Social Forum in June, 2003.
Published: 2003 Country: International
Earth Charter Community Summits
A written account from Jan Roberts, founder of the Earth Charter Community Summits.
Published: 2003 Country: International
Presentacion de la Carta de la Tierra para Negocios
Este documento se refiere a cómo la Carta de la Tierra puede ayudar a los grupos de negocios a reformar su sistema de valores con miras al desarrollo sostenible. En los negocios, la Carta de la Tierra puede ser usada…
Published: 2003 Country: Costa Rica
Repensando la experiencia – Reporte Conciertos de Carta de la Tierra en Costa Rica 2003
Este es el reporte de la Temporada de Conciertos titulada "Repensando la Experiencia".
Published: 2003 Country: Costa Rica
Municipalidad Santo Domingo de Heredia – Comprometidos con el Desarrollo Local Sostenible, Informe capacitacion 2003
Este es un reporte del encuentro con los funcionarios de la Municipalidad del Canton de Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica con el fin de iniciar el proceso de analisis, sensibilizacion y capacitacion. Este encuentro tuvo lugar el dia 9…
Published: 2003 Country: International
Earth Charter Initiative Biannual Report 2002-2003
During the two-year period covered by this report (2002-2003), the Earth Charter Initiative has made substantial progress towards the objectives and priorities determined by the Steering Committee and the Commission, particularly in the areas of governmental support, Earth Charter dissemination…
Published: 2003 Country: International
Newsflash 2003-01
In this issue: 1. Earth Charter events draw the crowds in Porto Alegre; 2. Earth Charter posters will be sent to all schools in Chile; 3. Valery Giscard D'Estaing wins Earth Charter award; 4. The Earth Charter is part of…
Published: 2003 Country: International
Newsflash 2003-02
In this issue: 1. "A Quiet Revolution" Video will be Broadcasted in Many Countries Around the World; 2. Earth Charter Discussion Forums and Exhibition by Soka Gakkai Italy; 3. Community Art Project to Raise Consciousness About the Earth Charter; 4.…
Published: 2003 Country: International
Newsflash 2003-03
In this issue: 1. The Earth Charter education database goes on-line; 2. The Earth Charter is the central theme for the World Peace Forum; 3. A pocket-sized Earth Charter Booklet in Hungarian is printed; 4. Commemoration of the Earth Charter…
Published: 2003 Country: International
Newsflash 2003-04
In this issue: 1. "What can I do with the Earth Charter?": A new resource; 2. Earth Day Celebration and the Earth Charter in Serbia; 3. The Earth Charter is translated into Hebrew; 4. Earth Charter Youth Groups (ECYG) Toolkit…