Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: 2002 Country: United States
Statement at hearing on the US Senate Committee on the Environment – 2002
This statement was presented by Maurice Strong, Chairman Earth Council Foundation, at the hearing of the United States Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works and the Committee on Foreign Relations on July 24, 2002.
Published: 2002 Country: Finland
Historical View on the Gender Issues in the Environment Sector – 2002
A speech by Yolanda Kakabadse at the Meeting on Women Leaders on the Environment held in Helsinki, Finland in March, 2002.
Published: 2002 Country: Australia
Brink Expeditions
An interview with Louise Erbacher of Brink Expeditions. To learn more visit the Brink Adventures website.
Published: 2002 Country: South Africa
The Earth Charter at the Johannesburg Summit in 2002
This report describes the activities and accomplishments of the Earth Charter Initiative at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa, August 26- September 4, 2002.
Published: 2002 Country: France
Earth Charter Dialogues, Lyon, France – Synthesis Report 2002
The first Earth Dialogues Forum was held in Lyon, France from 21-23 February 2002. The event was organized by Green Cross International and the Earth Council. At this occasion representatives of civil society, government, international organizations, finance, business, religion, media…
Published: 2002 Country: Germany
Misereor Lehrerforums zur Erd-Charta
Special edition on the Earth Charter of the Misireor Teacher-Magazine, published in September 2002. Sonderausgabe des Misereor Lehrerforums zur Erd-Charta vom September 2002.
Published: 2002 Country: International
Endorsements in Vermont
Newsflash 2002: Vermonters Vote on the Earth Charter.
Published: 2002 Country: International
Newsflash 2002-03
In this issue: 1. United Nations Secretary-General's High Level Advisory Panel; 2. Education Campaign by the School Sisters of Notre Dame; 3. Pax Christi International support; and, 4. Earth Dialogues Report, a summary of the Earth Dialogues which took place…
Published: 2002 Country: International
Newsflash 2002-08
In this issue: 1. The Earth Charter in the Forumzinho- The World Social Forum for Children (January 23-28, 2003); 2. The We Live Together program of the Balearic Islands, Spain; 3. The Earth Charter in the World Education Forum, Porto…
Published: 2002 Country: International
Newsflash 2002-05
In this issue: 1. Senate Puerto Rico Fully Endorses The Earth Charter; 2. All Municipalities in Jordan Endorse the Earth Charter; 3. Australian Capital Territory- What a Commitment!; 4. Soria Declaration in Spain (May 14-17, 2002); 5. Websites in French…