Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: 2001 Country: United States
The Ark of Hope
The Ark of Hope is a wooden chest created in 2001 by designer and painter Sally Linder to house the Earth Charter document. On it's five panels are a series of paintings, depicting artistic representations of Air Water, Fire, Spirit…
Published: 2001 Country: United States
Endorsement of the City of Burlington, Vermont
Resolution of endorsement of the Earth Charter on behalf of the City of Burlington.
Published: 2001 Country: Italy
Endorsement of the City of Urbino, Italy
This is the declaration of support to the Earth Charter of the City of Urbino.
Published: 2001 Country: United States
Endorsement of the Florida League of Cities
The resolution of the Florida League of Cities, Inc., supporting the Earth Charter, which encourages the building of a sustainable world based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and culture of peace.
Published: 2001 Country: United States
Endorsement of the U.S. Conference of Mayors
Resolution of endorsemet of the Earth Charter on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
Published: 2001 Country: International
The Earth Charter: An Ethical Foundation – 2001
"The emerging global civilization needs a sound ethical foundation formed of values and principles that are widely shared among the world's diverse cultures. Helping to create such a foundation is the special mission of the Earth Charter initiative, which has…
Published: 2001 Country: Honduras
Panel sobre la Iniciativa de la Carta de la Tierra y la Cultura en le Desarrollo Sostenible – 2001
Palabras de la Doctora Sonia Mendieta de Badaroux, Presidenta de UNESCO, en la inauguracion del Segundo Taller de Integridad Nacional sobre el Rol de la Cultura, la Educacion y la Salud en el Desarrollo Sostenible, llevado a cabo en Tegucigalpa,…
Published: 2001 Country: Honduras
Opening Speech of the 2nd Workshop of National Integrity – 2001
Opening Speech by His Eminency Oscar Andres Cardenal Rodriguez Maradiaga, President to the Forum: “Strengthening Democracy and Transparency in Honduras” presented at the Second Workshop of National Integrity with Regards to the Role of Culture, Educations and Health in Human…
Published: 2001 Country: India
The Earth, Our Home – 2001
This Key Note address was presented by Dr. Kamla Chowdhry at the Colloquium on Earth Charter on September 22, 2001.
Published: 2001 Country: Australia
The Earth Charter: Voice of the Age to Come – 2001
This is Dr. Kamla Chowdhry's speech at the Earth Charter Asia Pacific Conference held on September 1, 2001 in Brisbane, Australia.