Virtual Library

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  • Published: 2001 Country: International

    Message published in German for the Earth Charter Brochure – 2001

    Message from Dr. Klaus Töpfer, Executive-Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), published in German for the Earth Charter Brochure in April 2001, and entitled "Grußwort von Klaus Töpfer für die Deutsche Ausgabe der Erd-Charta".

  • Published: 2001 Country: Norway

    Address to the Nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium – 2001

    Address by Ruud Lubbers, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, to the Nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium celebrated in Oslo, Norway in December, 2001.

  • Published: 2001 Country: United States

    From the Love of Money to the Love of Life – 2001

    This is a Keynote Address by David C. Korten at the First Annual Earth Charter Community Summits held in Tampa, Florida on September 29, 2001.

  • Published: 2001 Country: Germany

    Die Erd-Charta

    Fifth edition of the fully layouted German Earth Charter brochure, released in April 2006, with Introduction and a Foreword by Klaus Töpfer from 2001. Farbige Erd-Charta Broschüre mit Einleitung und einem Vorwort von Klaus Töpfer.

  • Published: 2001 Country: International

    The Earth Charter in Action 2000 – Annual Report

    An overview of Earth Charter activities in the year 2000.

  • Published: 2001 Country: International

    Newsflash 2001-05

    In this issue: 1. Tatarstan, first Parliament adoption of the Earth Charter; 2. Mikhail Gorbachev presents the Earth Charter in Urbino, Italy (June 8, 2001); and, 3. The Earth Charter receiving endorsements.

  • Published: 2001 Country: International

    Newsflash 2001-06

    In this issue: Earth Charter Part of UNESCO Teacher Educational Programme.

  • Published: 2001 Country: International

    Newsflash 2001-07

    In thi issue: US Mayors Express Commitment To The Earth Charter.

  • Published: 2001 Country: International

    The Earth Charter: Buddhist and Christian Approaches – 2001

    A report on the week of dialogue, study and reflection on the theme "Buddhism, Christianity and Global Healing", Seattle Washington, USA, 2001

  • Published: 2001 Country: International

    Ethics and the Earth Charter – A Conversation with Steven Rockefeller

    Rockefeller, S.C., 2001c. Ethics and the Earth Charter: a conversation. Interview in Boston Research Center for the 21st Century Newsletter, Fall/Winter, 18, pp. 6-10. (available online:

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