Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: 2000 Country: Germany
Fundamentals for a Sustainable Future – 2000
This speech was delivered by Maurice Strong at the ICLEI World Congress of Local Governments, held on July 1, 2000 in Germany.
Published: 2000 Country: Jordan
IUCN World Congress – 2000
This speech was made by Maurice Strong at the IUCN World Congress held in Aman, Jordan on October 5th, 2000.
Published: 2000 Country: Netherlands
PM of the Netherlands – The Earth Charter Launch – 2000
This speech by the Minister Laurens Jan Brinkhorst, Government Representative of the Netherlands, was presented at the launch of the Earth Charter at The Hague in June 29th, 2000.
Published: 2000 Country: International
Ecumenical Christianity and the Earth Charter – 2000
Humanity belongs to one oikoumene (household) -- community of ecumenical earth --that now needs to observe common ethical standards for the sake of justice, peace, and integrity of creation. The Earth Charter is a particularly promising response to this need,…
Published: 2000 Country: International
Newsflash 2000-06
In this issue you will find: the first meeting of the International Council, the new Earth Charter web site, the launch of “Global Campaign” in San Francisco , the Earth Dialogues in Brisbane, the "Value of Values" Seminar Report, and…
Published: 2000 Country: International
Newsflash 2000-07
In this issue: On June 26th, 2000 the Earth Charter International Campaign was officially launched at the Peace Palace in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Published: 2000 Country: International
Newsflash 2000-12
In this issue: 1. Pole To Pole; 2. Rock in Rio Music Festival; 3. The United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica has officially endorsed the Earth Charter; 4. The Earth Charter website has new sections: a) The Art…
Published: 2000 Country: International
Earth Charter Bulletin – December 2000
This bulletin features information on country updates from Armenia, Australia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Recent and upcoming events Special review: the Earth Scout The Earth Charter Youth Initiative
Published: 2000 Country: International
A Summary of the Earth Charter On-Line Internet Conferences, April, October and November 1999
In 1999 the Earth Council as the Earth Charter International Secretariat, pioneered components of on-line interactive technology for the purpose of promoting social change and social action dialogue over the Internet. This technology took the form of three online conferences…
Published: 2000 Country: International
Speeches at Earth Charter Launch, 29 June 2000 – Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands