Virtual Library

Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.

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  • Published: 2000 Country: International

    Identity and Alterity: Summons to a New Axial Age: Perspective on the Earth Charter Movement – 2000

    In this speech, the author's objective is to probe the inner meaning of the Earth Charter movement as expressed through its efforts to draft an authoritative charter on behalf of the entire community of life. More precisely, he intends to…

  • Published: 2000 Country: Venezuela

    La Ultima Flor – Song

    This song offers the Earth Charter as an alternative to the destruction of the world and of the last flower of its kind, la ultima flor. Nehlin sent “La Ultima Flor” to hundreds of people as an Earth Charter promotion…

  • Published: 2000 Country: Australia

    Earth Charter Song

    At the South Australia Earth Charter launch in 2000, students of Thomas More College sang an Earth Charter song written by Nick Vall. This song was a call for peace, justice, and an understanding that nature can provide everything that…

  • Published: 2000 Country: International

    New Blueprint for a Green Planet

    Rockefeller, S.C., 2000. New Blueprint for a Green Planet. San Francisco Chronicle, December, 31.

  • Published: 2000 Country: International

    The Earth Charter Launch

    Steven C. Rockefeller´s speech at The Hague, 29 June, 2000, Earth Charter Launch

  • Published: 1999 Country: International

    The Earth Charter in Australia I: Proceedings of the Inaugural Australian National Earth Charter Forum

    This meeting was "Organised by the Australian National Committee for the Earth Charter Inc." and was held on from 5-6 February of 1999 in Canberra, Australia.

  • Published: 1999 Country: Algeria

    Algeria – illustrations

    This document includes illustrations by Algerian artist Mohamed Guesmia, also known as "Gues", created for the Earth Charter article published in Caravane #4 (October 1999), newsletter of the Alliance for a Responsible and United World.

  • Published: 1999 Country: South Africa

    Speech at the Parliament of World Religions – 1999

    This speech by Dr. Kamla Chowdhry, Co-Chair Earth Charter Commission, from India, was presented at the Parliament of World Religions celebrated in Cape Town, South Africa on December 4, 1999.

  • Published: 1999 Country: India

    The Earth Charter: A Blue Print for Survival – 1999

    Dr. Ashok Khosla comments on the Earth Charter during participation in the Earth Forum Online Conference in April, 1999.

  • Published: 1999 Country: International

    Hacia la Carta de los Pueblos de la Tierra – 1999

    Reflexiones Previas a la Creacion de un Orden Economico Justo y Sostenible por parte de la Lic. Graciela Carmina Andrade Garcia Pelaez en la Conferencia en Internet sobre Etica Global, Desarrollo Sostenible y la Carta de la Tierra, llevada a…

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