Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: Country: International
Building Bridges
A speech given on the invitation of the Boston Research Center, on women's and indigenous peoples' participation to the Earth Charter consultation process.
Published: Country: International
Educación para Todos, Educación Ambiental y Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
El titulo completo: Educación Ambiental y Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible: debatiendo las vertientes de la Década de la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Published: Country: Spain
Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Published: Country: International
The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD): The International Implementation Scheme (IIS): a brief recap
Power Point Presentation. The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), The International Implementation Scheme (IIS): a brief recap
Published: Country: Costa Rica
Earth Charter Workshop Toolkit
Published: Country: Spain
La Carta de la Tierra en Acción Motriz
Un taller producido por la Universidad de Lleida con el apoyo de Fundación Valores.
Published: Country: Australia
Earth Charter Learning Exchange: An invitation to join a web-based learning community
With collaboration from the following organizations and networks: CSIRO, QUESTACON, National Museum, ANU, Environment Australia, UWS, Powerhouse Museum, Earth Charter
Published: Country: Costa Rica
Aval de Fundación Ecológica YURUSTI: Declaración de apoyo a la Carta de la Tierra
Published: Country: Norway
The Earth Charter Brochure: Erklæringen om Jorden
Published: Country: Australia
Earth Charter- Promise the Earth
Jonquil Mackey, professional photographer from Australia, has been working on ideas for an Earth Charter image based on the slogan 'Earth Charter- Promise the Earth'. A series of these images is planned and they will be used to enhance the…