Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: Country: International
Little Earth Charter Guide
The purpose of the Little Earth Charter is to help teachers convey its universal principles to children at an early age, with a view to becoming responsible earth stewards for a sustainable future. The mission of the LEC is to…
Published: Country: International
The Ecological Manifesto
As a fundamental document guided by the principles of the Earth Charter, the Ecological Manifesto has set the goals for supporting the processes of education in sustainable development on the basis of a stable environment and healthy nature achieved through…
Published: Country: International
The Earth Charter Cities Manifesto
Inspired by and strongly associated with the Earth Charter, Earth Charter Cities want to deliver a significant contribution to a sustainable future. The Earth Charter Cities concept becomes manifest through 16 different principles and assumptions, accessible and useful to all…
Published: Country: International
Earth Charter Endorser Logos
We invite you to use the Earth Charter Endorser logo on your website, your signature, publications or as you consider appropriate.
Published: Country: International
Leadership, Sustainability and Ethics Brochure
Published: Country: International
Llevando la sostenibilidad a las aulas
Published: Country: International
Libro estudiantes: Aprendamos un estilo de vida sostenible
Published: Country: International
Universidad de Granada, España. Más allá de lo cognitivo: Experiencias educativas para reconectarse con la comunidad de la vida.
Published: Country: International
Enfocándonos en lo esencial: Infundir valores de sostenibilidad en la educación
Published: Country: International
Business and Ethical Leadership for Sustainability Course Brochure
This course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to take business ethics and sustainability practices to higher levels by using the Earth Charter (EC) as a framework. This course helps participants develop a broad approach to sustainability…