
Webinar with FERAPAD in the DRC

We had the pleasure to get in touch with the members of the FERAPAD FIZI association (Friends of the Planet and Development) in Democratic Republic of Congo, for an hour-long webinar about the positive impact of youth working with the Earth Charter. The association promotes peace and development in the eastern part of DRC, working mainly with women and girls coming from rural areas.

First, we introduced ourselves to the ten or so young people participating, and we presented them the principles and values of the Earth Charter. We tried to expose to them how our vision of sustainability, based on ecological integrity, is different from the traditional scheme. Then, we focused on the universality of the Earth Charter and on the possibility to include it in the youth professional life. During the webinar, we noticed that each of them is already able to spread the Earth Charter through their work as a teacher, or company, or through their artistic activities such cinema or theatre. The exchange we had, permitted us to call them to action with the Earth Charter. These young people will, from now on, have the opportunity to rely on our youth network, on our application Mapting and on the valuable advises of our youth coordinator to get involved in the construction of a more sustainable, just and pacific world for tomorrow.

It was a real pleasure to host this webinar with the youth of FERAPAD association and we would like to give a special thanks to Stanislas, the director of FERAPAD, for his cooperation and organization. We really hope these young people will use the Earth Charter document, as a guide and an inspiration for them to implement peace in their communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo.