The World Green Building Week Week has been promoted for more than a decade by the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) and actively promoted in Costa Rica by the GBCCR. This year it was held from 21 to 25 September, in order to promote actions towards much more efficient buildings, that is to say “net zero carbon” buildings.

The Green Building Council Costa Rica invited Earth Charter International to share a reflection on the ethical aspects of sustainable urbanism. In this sense, the presentation of the Earth Charter did not focus on technical aspects to implement “sustainable construction”, but rather invited participants to consider the Earth Charter as an ethical framework for decision-making in the construction sector.
The 1-hour session began with an introduction on the Earth Charter by Alicia Jiménez, who is a staff member of ECI Secretariat. Then, Gilberto Monge made a presentation, he is the former Mayor of Mora, Costa Rica, where the University for Peace and ECI Secretariat are located. Gilberto shared his ideas on how to implement sustainable urbanism, and his experiences in Mora, where he promoted the creation of public spaces to strengthen the identity of people from Mora, promoting tree planting in urban areas.