The youth campaign celebrating the 10 years of the Earth Charter has had its kick off on January 15, 2010 in Belarus!
“Belarus 2010: Earth Charter + 10” Campaign has made its primary goal to develop initiatives among young people promoting the ideas and principles of sustainable development in Belarus, include young people into the processes of regional development and into a winder international network of the Earth Charter.
The start of the Campaign took place in Domotkanovichi secondary school (Kletsk region, Minsk area) during the seminar on Local Agenda-21 as a mechanism for the Earth Charter regional implementation. The seminar was initiated by the Youth International Education Club NEWLINE and coordinated by Sofia Savelava, the EC Affiliate in Belarus, assistant professor at management of education department in the Academy of Post-graduate Education in Minsk.
The campaign has started within the series of seminars entitled “Ecologically oriented ethics of the Earth Charter – value-driven educational practice for sustainable development”. The participants of the seminar included: initiative teams of Local Agenda-21 from Domotranovichi, Yanovichi, Nagornov, Shepicy secondary school, Kletsk boarding school, educational department of Kletsk regional Executive Committee, Kletsk and Minsk regional departments for emergency management, editorial team of the national newspaper “Young Rescuer”.
Having presented and analyzed the experience of various school projects carried out by the schools in the region, the participants indicated the issues as well as the potential developments of the Earth Charter initiatives. Among the most highlighted, the following directions of work were given the priority:
- Demarcation of “zones of personal freedom” and recognition of responsibility for life and health of the community of the living, support and improvement of health of all natural, cultural and historical objects in Belarus. Initiatives proposed: “Our Swans” project, “Ecological Paths” project, “Dendropark” project, various ecological and community oriented contests and competitions, issue-based individual help for citizens;
- Skills training on the methods and approaches to help safeguard life personal families, friends, neighbors, community and region. Initiatives proposed: trainings for life security, research on source of danger and danger management,
demonstration of safeguard activities, security situation studies, organization of national and international projects on human security.
- Communication with the wider public on the issues of environment (the state of nature, cultural and historical places, understanding of traditions, shared visions and international agreements, organization of street actions, publications, films, PR campaigns, interaction with partners and etc.)
- Presentation of alternative ways of living (study of different experience through international cooperation and project work, PR of personal initiatives, plans and efforts carried out in the region).
One of the next steps to be carried out in cooperation with YIEC NEWLINE is setting up of the web-page of the Earth Charter +10 Campaign in Belarus. The resource will be open for everyone to receive consultations, share experience, meet partners and find other relevant information about the regional and international events of the EC+10.
If you would like to have your information posted, please contact Sofia Savelava or Dmitry Savelau: newlineclub [a]
The photo gallery of the seminars and the campaign launch is available here.
The Youth International Education Club NEWLINE represents the Earth Charter Young Group in the international community. Learn more about NEWLINE here.
Visit the Earth Charter website in Belarus here.