
Youth Leadership Training on ESD Webinar for Susty Schools in Nigeria

Earth Charter Young Leader Olabanji Jackson-Oke from Nigeria reached out to ECI Youth Coordinator, Christine Lacayo, for the opportunity to receive the Youth Leadership training on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for his group of volunteers with the organization SustySchools. On 3 & 17 February, Christine implemented this webinar to a total of 19 youth eager to train other youth in schools around Nigeria. The Susty Schools Project is an initiative of SustyVibes – a start up organisation, founded in 2016, targeted at creating awareness on sustainability issues to young Nigerians. This two-day training was designed to sensitize youth on ESD concepts and strengthen their capacity to become ESD multipliers in order to reach a more just and sustainable world. This series of ESD Leadership trainings was implemented in various regions around the world in 2017 to contribute with the goals of the UNESCO Global Action Programme on ESD Priority Area #4, which is focused on youth engagement. The Earth Charter International created for UNESCO the curriculum for this training in 2016.

susty schools webinar training

Volunteers within the Susty Schools network teach young children all acrosssusty schools Nigeria in Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools about the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There are currently 28 Susty School Volunteers spread across the country, aged between 18-35 years who are passionate and instrumental to the work with young children, both in creating awareness of the goals but more importantly, in inspiring innovative solutions. Susty Schools has a target to reach at least 24 schools in 2018 and they have reached out to 5 schools so far.



“Receiving this ESD training is invaluable to the volunteers at Susty Schools. We received a webinar on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as part of the UNESCO GAP PN4 project and we now understand better, through several activities, the ESD competencies to pass on – Know, Do, Be, Live together. Our favorite activity we learned from this training so far is the Privilege Walk in Systems Thinking which helps open our eyes to the importance of respect and equality for all and how we are one interconnected system in life. We have now incorporated many of these activities and competencies in our learning syllabus for the volunteers to implement their workshops. We also have a tracking template with which to report our workshop progress, which we will share at the end of this year.”

-Ijeoma Achinivu for Susty SchoolsSDGs Nigeria